It was 1am and I was driving home from work when I decided to take a different route. I had tanked up on coffee on the last hour of my shift and didn't feel like heading straight home. I had been stuck in the minors department for 8 hours and I felt that all I was able to say was "Keep your foot/ankle/hand elevated, take plenty of painkillers, ice-packs mmmhghtswhh garr....." I've gotta say again, men are the biggest wimps. The things that they come to the hospital with makes me want to drop my head in my hands and weep. "Oooh, doc, it's a very deep cut. I nearly passed out when I saw how deep it was. " For God's sake, it's a freaking scratch. You didn't even need a plaster on it. I bet you it stopped bleeding before you got in the car to come to hospital, you wuss. Perhaps I should do what one of my old consultants did when another time-waster turned up with a non-problem. He frogmarched them out of the department, pointed to the sign above ...