When I used to live in a little town called Northville, my housemate used to drive 40 miles to work everyday and she'd comment on the driver's faces and people she'd recognised in their cars going the opposite direction to hers. Now this poses a couple of problems for me. On the busy country roads that she drives down you could go up to 60 miles an hour (depending on the time of day or night) or crawling at 20 (depending on the tractor in front of you.) I tend to look at the cars directly in front of or behind me, and not so much at the faces of people inside cars whizzing past in the opposite direction. Two, is that at that time, I didn't have a car, so I often hitched a ride with her - therefore I wonder how much attention she pays on the traffic compared with making comments on various drivers who are cute, ugly, pick their noses, or 'hey-I-know- her!' Now that I live in the 'big city' I often have to drive down those same country roads to go to the h...