I have accused my engineer sister of being a bona fide geek. Unfortunately, I am a closet geek, so in the time-honoured tradition of geeks everywhere, I shall be making a list. This is because I have two days off work (which accounts for my unusual good humour) and have rediscovered an interest in music and books after many months of being sick of it all. (Also because I have two sisters with blogs and am always cribbing ideas off them.) This month I've been listening to: Monster - THE AUTOMATIC . Four excitable Welshmen, one demented loon and lots of ace tunes. Mardy Bum - ARCTIC MONKEYS . Aaahh, yes, it is a rather sweet, affectionate song. When The Sun Goes Down - ARCTIC MONKEYS. Somehow reminds me of Sublime. Wires - ATHLETE. If you don't cry at Joel Pott's account of the difficult birth of his baby girl, you've got a heart of stone! Supermassive Black Hole - MUSE . Always slightly bonkers, is our Muse, but always delivers. Maneater - NELLY FURTADO . I always thou...