The A&E department isn't busy all the time, which occasionally allows time for you to have a natter with your colleagues. Sometimes it's just a brief chat about where you trained before, where do you live, travelling's a bitch isn't it - topics close to a junior doctor's heart since they shift departments every few months. Sometimes it descends into some colleague bashing but occasionally you get a really left-field topic like in-breeding. I was in the X-Ray department on a late shift waiting for the radiographer to do a series of films on a patient of mine who had been in a motorcycle accident. I started chatting to Dave, the 6 foot plus grey-haired health care assisstant. Somehow the topic turned to how dumb and completely lacking in common sense some people are (please note: we weren't talking about the motorcyclist). Dave reckons that people's I.Q. has been going downhill. His wife, he says, who has been teaching for more than 20 years and is probabl...