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Born under a hot sign (a Supernatural post)

Frigging hot, I'm telling you. Last Thursday's episode of Supernatural, Born Under A Bad Sign, may be in the running for one of the best yet. Please forgive me, Dean, for saying that your brother Sam was frigging ace in that episode. You are still my leader, Dean, but how hot was dear Sammy in that one. I think I must be a sicko for finding evil Sam so bloody amazing but he does play evil wonderfully well. My two favourite moments are that deep, howling laugh he let rip towards the end of the episode and when he taunted Jo and said in a sing-song voice,"My daddy shot your daddy in the head." Fucking brilliant.

Although there are a few things I am unhappy about, two of which I specifically mention in a previous post. The first is poor Dean being tortured again! Poor boy, give him a break. He keeps having his pretty face bashed in, this time by his demon-possessed brother. Now, that Sam is a big strapping lad and it pained me greatly to see him repeatedly hitting Dean. To top it all off, he goes and emotionally tortures Dean by bringing up all Dean's insecurities and calling him worthless. Fie!

The second issue I have is the fact that the fans hate Jo so much that Eric Kripke (the creator of Supernatural) has bowed down to pressure and written her out as Dean's possible love interest and specifically mentioned in this episode that Dean thinks of her as a little sister. Personally I think the fans (mainly girls) hate her so much because they feel threatened by her and actually really think that Jo suits Dean to a tee. Girls don't like the competition, see. Now, I know I said previously that this series don't work with the brothers having love interests but if Dean gets it on with Jo, I wouldn't mind too badly because one: I think Dean deserves a little happiness in his life, two: I think Jo kicks twenty kinds of ass, and three: I'm not so deluded that I think I can have Dean for myself. Though there are some days that my imagination runs that way.........

Anyway, where was I? This episode was great but I think the writers should pull their thumbs out of their asses and get cracking on some big episodes soon. All these self-contained episodes where the boys are in mainly isolated situations are fine but I think it's time to crank up the excitement factor and start doing some major arc storylines here. Self-contained episodes were fine in Season 1 but the writers have to up the game in Season 2 and keep the fans hanging in there with more development on the Yellow-Eyed Demon plot and the fact that the police are on their tail. They have already set up a few threads regarding this, plus now the brothers may have the other hunters after them too.

There is another thing that is bothering me. Does Jensen Ackles have a no unnecessary nudity clause in his contract? In this episode he gets soaked in a river and gets shot in the shoulder. In any other TV series, this signals the oppurtunity for the guy to get his shirt off. But no, all Dean gets is a liitle bit of the arm of his t-shirt taken off while he keep the rest of it on. Dear me, how disappointing. Certainly, if it was a woman, they'd have her stripped down to her undies by now. However, I guess they're trying to keep the tone of the series dark and having a hot guy take his shirt off isn't exactly in keeping with the series' dark and sombre mood. Damn that to hell. Much as I admire the writers for not letting the series descend into traditional Hollywood cheese fest, I am still bitterly disappointed at this missed oppurtunity. I shall just have to content myself with Dean's mega bicep instead.

In Born Under A Bad Sign, Dean was hot as usual but little Sam has upgraded himself from cute to hot. Of course, he might fall back to just cute in next week's episode but for now he is offically hot. I've decided that Dean shall also be known as 'The Face' while Sam shall be 'The Body'. Two frigging hot brothers. We are not worthy.


Anonymous said…
Maybe Jensen's a Mormon
Kere said…
That hasn't stopped any Mormons before!!

Nah, I think his childhood modelling days have put him off stripping.

Also, I seriously doubt that you do any work over there. I've barely put this post up and you've put up a comment already.
Anonymous said…
It was lunchtime :P
Anonymous said…
Yummm, jensen's bulging biceps makes for quite a healthy, wholesome, utterly tasty lunch.

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