Thirteen down, nine more to go. So, at a rate of one episode per week, Season 2 of Supernatural will end somewhere in April. Hopefully, there will be a Season 3 – never mind if I have to wait six to seven months for it. I also hope to be gainfully employed (and busy) come April but I doubt my ardour for one Dean Winchester will be much diminished. He is, after all, hot.
Of course in real life, he would probably be frustrating to live with what with him frequently disappearing on road trips and always trying to be the macho guy and all. Oh and he’s bossy too. But then again, that’s why he’s my fantasy fancy man and not my real man. Then again, my mother did say that there’s no way I could get a man as hot as Dean looking and acting the way I do. Thanks for the reality check, ma. But didn’t you also say always aim for As, so if I extrapolate that to men like Dean instead of exam results……..
Hot guys go after hot girls. That is the order of life. I can’t do hot. I can do moody, sarcastic and unhinged but hot is beyond my abilities. Still, that’s what television and the imagination is for. Maybe Dean likes moody, sarcastic and unhinged. As long as the network keep Supernatural on air, I would be happy. Even if they do decide to end it, I hope it would end in a way that I could continue to imagine happy times for Dean and me.
In the last obsession I had for a fictional character, the author ended the hero’s life as a lonely, broken-spirited man living in obscurity and near-poverty. I howled and cursed the author for many days. I would have torn the book – I was that angry - only I respect my books too much. Yes, the man’s not real but it was testament to the author’s skill that he the protagonist felt as if he was flesh and blood to me. And it is testament to the skills of the writers, the film crew and the actor that make Dean Winchester so undoubtedly real. God, how I wish I had skill like that. That would be the secret power I’d want to have. Other than telekinesis of course, ala the Jedi.
Anyway, I digress. Long live Dean Winchester. Please don’t die. Also, I hope your brother makes it too because he’s kinda cute and your hotness is increased when you so protectively look after your baby brother.
Yours truly.

Of course in real life, he would probably be frustrating to live with what with him frequently disappearing on road trips and always trying to be the macho guy and all. Oh and he’s bossy too. But then again, that’s why he’s my fantasy fancy man and not my real man. Then again, my mother did say that there’s no way I could get a man as hot as Dean looking and acting the way I do. Thanks for the reality check, ma. But didn’t you also say always aim for As, so if I extrapolate that to men like Dean instead of exam results……..
Hot guys go after hot girls. That is the order of life. I can’t do hot. I can do moody, sarcastic and unhinged but hot is beyond my abilities. Still, that’s what television and the imagination is for. Maybe Dean likes moody, sarcastic and unhinged. As long as the network keep Supernatural on air, I would be happy. Even if they do decide to end it, I hope it would end in a way that I could continue to imagine happy times for Dean and me.
In the last obsession I had for a fictional character, the author ended the hero’s life as a lonely, broken-spirited man living in obscurity and near-poverty. I howled and cursed the author for many days. I would have torn the book – I was that angry - only I respect my books too much. Yes, the man’s not real but it was testament to the author’s skill that he the protagonist felt as if he was flesh and blood to me. And it is testament to the skills of the writers, the film crew and the actor that make Dean Winchester so undoubtedly real. God, how I wish I had skill like that. That would be the secret power I’d want to have. Other than telekinesis of course, ala the Jedi.
Anyway, I digress. Long live Dean Winchester. Please don’t die. Also, I hope your brother makes it too because he’s kinda cute and your hotness is increased when you so protectively look after your baby brother.
Yours truly.

In the meantime, Me Likey Likey. Ohh Dean and Sam in a priest suit is just unfair. Boys, you can't lead anyone from temptation if you are the temptation!
Dean likes moody, sarcastic, unhinged.......... and breasts.
Oh, I watched Ep.13 and I must say it's not one of the better episodes. Kind of 'Meh' actually. If it wasn't for Dean......
Oh, I couldn't sleep last night so I ended up watching Cry Wolf on TV with Jared innit. BAH! That movie is as horrible as Jared's hair. And Jared's hair is seriously bad in it. Tragic. And how come, even when dead, Jon Bon Jovi still has well-styled hair?
Who cares? I love Dean
Ya, I watched Cry Wolf as well only because I couldn't get hold of any Supernatural and a film with Jared in it was the closest thing I could get to Dean. Saaaad.
I love Dean.